Jacoby Development was born out of the aspiration to create a meaningful impact on people’s lives through sustainable real estate development. The natural environment is the world’s most valuable resource, and its sustainability is central to the design, material choice, construction, and ongoing maintenance here at Jacoby Development.
Being one of the most prestigious real estate development firms in the U.S., Jacoby Development prides itself on creating places of sanctuary for those who seek meaning within their place of residence. With over 40-years of experience developing high-quality, sustainable infrastructure across the country, Jacoby Development is best known for its redevelopment of industrial spaces into mixed-use communities.
Based in Atlanta, Georgia, Jacoby Development fosters projects designed to impact people’s lives while ensuring environmental sustainability takes precedence over all other considerations.
Jacoby Development was made famous for its development of Atlantic Station, whereby we transformed a derelict, 138-acre steel mill site within Atlanta into a hub to harbor lives designed to make an impact on the world. The new Atlantic Station provides people with a sense of community like nowhere else, allowing family-centered people to live, work, and play within the same community.
Through strong success, Jacoby Development has earned its name as one of the biggest developers in the country with heavy focuses on environmentally sustainable developments. By completing over 40 retail centers, 25 of which going to Wall-Mart, people all around the country are living more sustainable lives that co-exist with the planet thanks to Jacoby Development.
Jacoby Development carries a wealth of expertise over various development purposes, with current aspirations lying with mixed-use developments in unique and urban environments. While most developments lie within Georgia and Florida, Jacoby Development takes up opportunities across the entire U.S.




Jacoby Development strives to create a strong sense of community in all development projects by valuing the importance of sustainability and creating a harmonious relationship with nature. The focus on the environment extends outside that of Jacoby Developments’ operations and is also reflected in the network of contractors and suppliers in Jacoby Development connects with.